Stainless Steel Curved Cascade Water Feature - 25300

Stainless Steel Curved Cascade Water Feature with LED Lights 25300 / BS-1004L

Place the feature on the ground, so that it is stood upside down (you may wish to put the item on a protective surface to avoid damage to the steel).

Next, take the plate and slot it over the steel cascade.

Insert the washers over the holes (marked by the red arrows) and insert the screws. You can use the allen key to tighten and secure the plate to the cascade.

Connect the lights here:

Insert the pump outlet into the clear hosing as shown here:

Next, turn the feature upright and slot it over the reservoir. Your cables should come out here at the back:

You will have three flow adjusters here. They control the flow of water from the top, so you can adjust them to create an effect that is to your liking.

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